Building Owner Representatives

How do you know the information you receive about your roofing system is accurate?

As a building owner representative, your challenge is to make sure tenants are happy, building budgets are maintained, the integrity of the building isn’t compromised, and to ensure your building owners are well taken care of. But, managing multiple buildings makes it difficult to know which roofs are in need of repair or replacement work and which ones aren’t. You know roofing systems are complicated, but you aren’t a roofing expert.

Alliance is the roof expert for insurance professionals.

Where do you get help?

With so many other projects to manage and tasks to perform, you don’t have time to climb on every building to evaluate the condition of the roofing system.

Maintaining Budgets

It’s your challenge to maintain the budget for each building you manage, but you don’t know the condition of the roofing systems or when they’ll need to be replaced.

Tenant Relationships

Tenants all have something to say about their building when you talk to them, but you don’t have the budget or manpower to resolve every single issue.

Associated Costs

It isn’t always as simple as patching a hole or replacing the roof. The costs of repair or replacement work goes beyond labor and material.

Quality Contractors

Because roofing systems are complicated, not every roofing contractor is qualified to install the one you need. Knowing who to hire and what type of quality work they do is difficult.

Biased Information Leads To Overspending and Faulty Installation

Trusting the contractor you always use.

Having a proprietary contractor you call for all of your building issues can be great. But, do they really understand your roofing needs? And, do they have your and your owner’s best interest in mind? Managing contractor relationships can be complicated, but not hiring a qualified contractor leads to future costly repair work.

Hiring the contractor with the lowest cost.

You manage budgets every day and saving money is desired by the owner. But, hiring the contractor offering the lowest cost may result in more costly repairs and earlier replacement.

Making informed decisions.

As an independent consultant, we can become a partner who provides independent information about your roofing systems, so you can make informed decisions on repairing and replacing the roofs you manage.


Does Alliance sell and/or install roofing materials or systems?

At Alliance Consulting & Testing, we are independent roof and leak analysis experts. Our sole purpose is to provide independent consulting on roofing and building envelopes. We do not sell or install roofing materials.

Do you provide roof replacement specifications for new construction?

We do write spec documents for roof replacement; however, we do not typically write spec docs for roofing systems in new construction because we are not architects or engineers. However, we do partner with architects and engineers during the installation of new roofing systems as a specifier and quality assurance observer.

Do you provide annual inspections for roof asset management?

Yes, we provide a variety of roof inspections for building representatives in managing their commercial roofing systems.

How do I submit a project?

Projects can be submitted on our online form here. When filling out the form, please let us know what services you require on the project and a representative we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Can you create estimated budgets for repairs and replacement schedules for roofs?

We do supply estimated repair costs and develop replacement schedules.

What is the building envelope?

Building envelope is a general term that describes the different systems separating the exterior of the building from the interior. These systems include: the roofing systems, exterior wall systems, floors, and any openings in the structure (doors, windows, skylights, etc.) We do provide building envelope analysis services to ensure your buildings’ envelope is performing to modern standards.

Do you provide quality assurance inspections for roof installation?

Yes, we provide quality assurance inspections for re-roofing projects.

Do you provide any training for property managers?

Yes, we provide training for property managers on roof asset management and maintenance.

Do you work with general contractors/construction managers?

We work with contractors and construction managers on installation/construction related issues as well as tracking down leaks that occur in the building envelope. If you need help on a project, please feel free to submit a project on our form.

How quickly do I receive my report?

Depending on the amount of services requested and after completion of the inspection, reports can be turned around between 3-5 business days.

Do I need an engineer?

There is no formal study in the field of engineering or architecture that includes specific training on roofing. Professional registrations in the roofing industry are done through RCI (Roof Consultants Institute). Our staff includes Registered Roof Observers and a former member of the RCI educational faculty. In addition, we have other training and certifications and have been court-tested on numerous projects. Feel free to check our team page here.


Alliance provides independent roof inspections.


We inspect roofs to help you make informed decisions on whether to repair, replace, or leave the roofing system as is for now.


Alliance Consulting & Testing can help you identify your roof repair options.


Replacement isn’t always the best option. We’ll determine what the roofing system repair options look like and what the best approach is.


Through Alliance's roof replacement oversight, you can rest easy knowing your new roof is properly installed.


We provide quality assurance inspections during roof installation.


Alliance provides leak analysis to help you maintain your roof.


Leaks in your roofing system can be indicators of a larger problem. Our team will analyze the building envelope to locate moisture intrusion.


Alliance Consulting & Testing provides quality roof spec writing and bid analysis.


Having detailed specs and bid documents can help you identify the appropriate roofing details and materials for your building. we will also provide quality assurance during installation.


Alliance's independent roof inspections let you know what's going on with your roof.


Your building’s envelope is comprised of multiple systems. We will help you identify needed areas of maintenance and make sure they’re all performing they way they need to be.


Through independent roof consulting services, Alliance helps you understand your roof.
Manage Roof Assets

With Alliance Consulting & Testing

Since we do not sell or install roofing materials, we become a true partner, representing your best interests. Our experts provide you with the information you need to determine if it should be repaired or replaced. Plus, we’ll develop a management program designed to help you maintain the integrity of your roofing system and building envelope. Through our services, we can help you identify less expensive, needed repairs before they become costly replacements. We’ll also help you find a quality roofing contractor who understands how to install the roofing system your buildings require.

Protect Owner Assets

Better Maintain Budgets

Improve Owner Relationship

Increase Tenant Satisfaction


Get our ebook

Download the 10 most costly mistakes when buying a commercial roof ebook.

Looking for tips to save money when repairing or replacing a roof? Alliance can help. Read our complimentary ebook.

Do you need a partner to help you manage your roofing systems?